The first Graduation day of the inter-university Laurea Magistrale in Atmospheric Science and Technology (LMAST) MSc program, jointly managed by the University of L’Aquila and Sapienza University of Rome, will be celebrated on 15 October 2020 at 12:00 CET in L’Aquila (Room 1.6, Coppito Edificio Ricamo). The online streaming will be on www.univaq.it/live at the same time.
Even though with all foreseen COVID-19 precautions, the LMAST celebration will be also in presence. The Graduation session will be opened by the salutations of the Rector prof. Alesse (in video conference) of the University of L’Aquila, the vice-Rector prof. Masiani (in video conference) of the Sapienza University of Rome, the Italian Permanent Representative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Gen. Cau (in video conference), and the secretary Col. Pisani of the Italian meteorological association AISAM, as well as the salutations of chair of the LMAST MSc program prof. Ferretti, the vice-chair of LMAST MSc program and director of Center of Excellence CETEMPS prof. Marzano and the director prof. Filipponi of the DSFC department.
The first LMAST graduating student, Mr. Ludovico Di Antonio, will present and defend his Master Thesis, with supervisor prof. Curci and co-supervisor Dr. Tuccella, in 15 minutes and then question/answer time will follow. The Graduation Committee, constituted by prof. Ferretti, prof. Marzano, prof. Di Claudio, prof. Rizi, prof. Redaelli, prof. Curci and Dr. Ricchi, will examine the university curriculum and the MSc Thesis of the candidate to agree on the overall mark. Finally, the Committee President prof. Ferretti will proclamate the candidate “graduated in Atmospheric Science and Technology on the behalf of the Rectors of the University of L’Aquila and Sapienza University of Rome“.
The LMAST graduate student will also obtain the Statement of learning curriculum conformity to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Recommendation 1083, “Guide to the implementation and education and training standards in meteorology and hydrology”, officially approved by the WMO National Permanent Representative for Italy on 23 May 2018 (M.D. ARM002 0033985).
After 2 years from its launch (formally approved on 15 June 2018 by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, D.M. 459/2018), the LMAST Council expresses its profound satisfaction that all the work, infused in the process of creating the LMAST program, has arrived to its goal: graduate students in the fascinating discipline of atmospheric science and technology. The LMAST Council compliments Mr. Di Antonio for his achievement and wishes the best for all LMAST graduate student careers.