
Scholarships for foreign students are available from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation offers scholarships for foreign students and Italian citizens resident abroad (see here).

For general information, please visit the following websites set up by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
·  Universitaly, Italian University Just a Click Away;
·  CIMEA, The Italian higher education system;
·  International Students FAQ information (available in English).

University of L’Aquila and Sapienza University of Rome will support the students in finding a suitable accommodation by various intermediary services for the whole duration of their scholarship:
> Further information on planning your stay in L’Aquila can be asked or you can browse information here.
> Further information on planning your stay in Rome is available here (contact Hello Office and in this web page.


Yearly scholarship for LMAST4MC, is offered, through a call,  by both the Agency for Higher Education of L’Aquila (ADSUaq) and University of L’Aquila (Univaq) for Italian and foreign students.

ADSUaq scholarship details are available in the official calls here (in Italian). These scholarships are typically available in terms of cash and free services and provided to the winning students, in values maximum, as indicated below:
1. Students on site: € 2,757.73 divided as follows: € 1,971.89 + food (one free daily meal, € 785.84)
2. Commuting students: € 2,884.09 divided as follows: € 2,098.25 + food (one free daily meal, € 785.84)
3. Off-site students: € 5,231.58 divided as follows: € 2,159.90 + food (two free meals per day, € 1,571.68) + accommodation (€ 1,500 maximum)
The scholarship will be paid in full to the beneficiary students whose ISEE (documented personal income) is less than or equal to two thirds of the maximum limit for participation and set typically at €. 23,508.78.
For higher values, until the aforementioned limit is reached, the overall scholarship is reduced up to half the amount. The share in cash will not be less than € anyway 1,440.76 for off-site students who are granted housing services free of charge e a daily meal, and € 1,440.76 for the commuting student to whom it is granted free of charge a daily meal.

Note that ADSUaq students receiving scholarships, who obtain the title by the legal duration of the relevant course of study, can obtain an additional amount equal to 50% of the scholarship used in that year (the integration of the scholarship can be requested only once during the studies). For disabled students the right to benefit from the aforementioned degree award is determined with the achievement of the qualification within the 1st year out of course.

Foreign students, who are not resident in Italy and foreign students resident in Italy belonging to a family unit whose members reside abroad, do not have the possibility to request the ISEE-U equivalent-economic-situation form. They can apply for the benefits and services in the absence of ISEE certification and will be assigned ex officio to the lowest income bracket. However, the aforementioned students must have the appropriate documentation issued by competent Authorities of the country where the income was generated and translated into Italian by the Italian diplomatic authorities competent for the territory.

For students to be enrolled at LMAST4MC program second year, minimum merit requirements, as of August 10, are typically set to 30 CFU credits (please, check the call below). (Attention: the student must refer to the credits required for the year of the course will attend for the upcoming academic year, determined by the year of first registration, i.e. a student must indicate/declare in the application all the credits obtained for this date starting from the year of registration.)

ADSUaq current (if any) and past calls are listed below:
> ADSUaq call for a.y. 2019-20 (in Italian)deadline on 30 August 2019
> ADSUaq call for a.y. 2020-21 (in Italian)deadline on 31 August 2020

The ADSUaq call is in Italian, but you can easily get a translation. In order to complete the application, you need to get an Italian tax/fiscal code (CODICE FISCALE) by following these general instructions or going simply here. To access the application, go to the link SPORTELLO ON LINE  and then follow these steps (see below for some screenshots):

  1. register (ACCREDITAMENTO) and get the credentials;
  2. login by inserting your Italian fiscal code and password;
  3. choose the option off-site student (STUDENTE FUORI SEDE);
  4. click on scholarship (BORSA DI STUDIO) and NOT on accommodation place (POSTO ALLOGGIO) or international mobility;
  5. if you don’t have an IBAN bank account number, put a fictitious IBAN (such as IT 88D 053 870 3601 000 000 040 909 you can find here) since you’ll be asked to provide the real one if selected;
  6. produce a document, in Italian, of your family income (REDDITO FAMILIARE) and upload this document no later then 10 November;
  7. be sure to complete the online application and to receive an acknowledgment by e-mail.

University of L’Aquila is yearly opening a call for international students within a general scholarships program. The call is reserved to foreign students that will enroll in the first year of LMAST.
The total amount of the contribution for each scholarship is € 7,834.00 during the first year of study (10 monthly installments of € 783.40). The amount includes charges to be paid by the recipient. The scholarship will be taxed according to current legislation.

Univaq current (if any) and past calls are listed below:
> Univaq call for a.y. 2020-21 (in Italian)deadline on 5 June 2020


Students, interested in accomplishing his/her Master thesis abroad, can compete for specific scholarships supporting their stay abroad. The call is open to students of the LMAST first or second year and should be supported by an LMAST professor and a letter of the international host institution. The period of stay should be not less than 2 consecutives months.
The Sapienza call is expected between of February and May of each academic year. The expected support is about € 2.600,00 per student.

Sapienza current (if any) and past calls are listed below:
Sapienza scholarships a.y. 2019-20 (in Italian)deadline on 29 May 2020

LMAST academic point-of-contact: prof.