How to reach us

 LMAST4MC classes are held in Rome and L’Aquila:   
ROME, Via Ariosto 25 (the location is not far from Termini station)   
L’AQUILA, Via Vetoio (the location is not far from public Hospital San Salvatore)

Some LMAST4MC lectures and laboratories can be also organized at the location of the LMAST promoting departments:

  • Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences (DSFC) in L’Aquila, Via Vetoio, Edificio “Renato Ricamo” (Coppito1)
  • Department of Information engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET) in Rome, Via Eudossiana 18.
  • Department of Physics (DF) in Rome, P.zza A. Moro 5
  • Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering (DICEA) in Rome, Via Eudossiana 18.