1 PhD and 1 PostDoc offers

1. PhD position at the University of Grenoble on the land-atmosphere exchange over a glacier surface: https://adum.fr/as/ed/voirproposition.pl?langue=&matricule_prop=53572&site=edtue#version (Contact: Jean Emmanuel Sicart – jean-emmanuel.sicart@ird.fr) 2. PostDoc position at the University of Innsbruck on the mountain boundary-layer structure: https://lfuonline.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.details?asg_id_in=14152 (Contact: Mathias Rotach – Mathias.Rotach@uibk.ac.at<mailto:Mathias.Rotach@uibk.ac.at>)

Job offer at ARPA Lazio

Public notice, based on qualifications and interview, for full-time and fixed-term hiring for a period of 12 months, extendable by no. 2 units of the professional profile of PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL COLLABORATOR, Area of health professionals and officials, National Collective Labor Read More …

Six job offers

VN 23/52 Research Fellowship at DMI (joint with Met Norway), Copenhagen, Denmark: Machine Learning and Data Assmilation for Arctic regions forecast Research Fellowship at ISMAR-CNR, Rome Italy: Marine environment modelling and data analysis Research Fellowship at ISAC-CNR, Rome, Italy: Remote Read More …

Meteorologist at ENAV

Job offer as meteorologist at ENAV: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3601144140/?trackingId=TvwYmz7oS5q8A%2FEe5osjEg%3D%3D&refId=pJufzS3VRAaZW20AKIcL1w%3D%3D&midToken=AQG6yGXXRH2-DQ&midSig=1pqlZSYI-xcqM1&trk=eml-jobs_jymbii_digest-job_card-0-view_job&trkEmail=eml-jobs_jymbii_digest-job_card-0-view_job-null-4631vf~lhhrg9ts~pm-null-null&eid=4631vf-lhhrg9ts-pm