Research Fellowship at KNMI

A job announcement from EUMETSAT:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you don’t mind this direct approach. Our Chief Scientist, Paolo Ruti, has provided me your name and contact details as a person we should approach to help communicate our current research fellowship opportunities within a target academic establishment. We are aware that the channels we use to advertise our staff roles may not be quite so relevant to individuals wishing to do research so we are humbly requesting any assistance you can provide to ensure the opportunities are made available to the right audience.

If you know of any researchers that might be interested in the attached fellowship, or have a network you could share the opportunity within, or even a link to a careers site we might be able to post the vacancy on ourselves… we’d be very grateful.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Kindest regards,

Geoff Yeats-Edwards
HR Analyst
HR Division

Eumetsat-Allee 1
64295 Darmstadt

Tel: +49 6151 807 6420