World Meteorological Day 2023 in memory of Prof. Frank Silvio Marzano

World Meteorological Day 2023 will be held in “hybrid” mode (both face-to-face and online, on an IT platform). The Italian Association of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (AISAM), of which CETEMPS is a collective member, has resumed celebrating the anniversary since 2017, proposing it as a meeting point for the entire Italian community of atmospheric sciences. atmosphere, meteorology and climatology.

The event will take place in Rome, in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of Sapienza (on the morning of Thursday 23 March next) and will include a memory of the late Prof. Frank Silvio Marzano, promoter of the previous editions and prematurely passed away on 8 May. As has already happened in previous editions, it will be a precious opportunity to promote reflection on current and urgent issues of meteorology, climate and their implications for society, the economy, development and the environment, in line with the theme proposed this year by the World Meteorological Organization: The future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations. The appointment is part of the numerous activities promoted by AISAM to support and promote, for the benefit of all society, the development of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology in Italy in all possible fields.

It is also aimed at all categories of meteorology users, in the most diverse sectors (civil protection, agriculture, environment, renewable energy resources, transport, tourism, etc.), as well as weather enthusiasts and school groups of all levels.

For more info and registration click here.