Environmental meteorology webinars: from the fundamentals of climate to operational applications

Free webinar series (25 February – 10 June 2021)

ICTP & University of Trento Seminar Series


This series of lectures is a new joint initiative between the Earth System Physics group at ICTP and the Atmospherics Physics group at the University of Trento. They present the current state of research and operational implementation of all areas of weather and climate, past, present and future, and span basic theory, idealized and realistic modelling, through to applications of climate and weather in sectors that include the health, agriculture, energy and the economy.

These seminars are open to all those with an interest in climate and weather and also contribute to the training offered to ICTP pre-PhD diploma programme that provides scholarships to developing country students to and The Master of Science programme in Environmental Meteorology offered by the University of Trento and the University of Innsbruck, Austria.


Adrian Tompkins (ICTP) and Simona Bordoni (Trento)


Participants are required to register in advance at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Jump to Seminar on Thursday at h. 15:00 CET (UTC+1)

  • 25/02/2021 Angela Benedetti @ ICTP “The role of aerosols in the predictability at the S2S scale”
  • 04/03/2021 Massimo Bollasina @ University of Trento “Improving our mechanistic understanding of the regional climate response to anthropogenic aerosols”
  • 11/03/2021 Allison Wing @ ICTP “Convective Self-Aggregation and Climate Sensitivity in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations”
  • 18/03/2021 Ioana Colfescu @ University of Trento “The role of atmospheric weather noise in forcing the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability”
  • 25/03/2021 Tamma Carleton @ ICTP “Using economics and big data to measure the costs of climate change”
  • 08/04/2021 Ivana Stiperski @ University of Trento “Extending similarity theory into complex terrain”
  • 22/04/2021 Bertrand Carissimo @ University of Trento “Numerical modeling studies of atmospheric dispersion of pollutant around obstacles”
  • 29/04/2021 Benjamin Devenish @ University of Trento
  • 06/05/2021 Anna Creti @ ICTP “Wind farm revenues in Western Europe in present and future climate”
  • 13/05/2021 Anne Jones @ ICTP “Artificial Intelligence for Climate Impacts”
  • 20/05/2021 Veronika Huber @ ICTP “Climate impact on cold- and heat-related mortality in cities”
  • 27/05/2021 Gianni Tinarelli @ University of Trento
  • 03/06/2021 Massimo Cassiani @ University of Trento
  • 10/06/2021 Sandrine Bony @ ICTP “Understanding cloud-circulation coupling in the trades: lessons from EUREC4A”